1. Enter Google Analytics
2. Put the code provided by Google Analytics in your own blog.
3. Check the results to see the daily traffic chart, the recent visitors by locations.
With the DOM scripting methods you can:
- Create new elements on the fly.createElement() allows you to create a new tag.
myImg = document.createElement("IMG")
Give definition.In the above example, our newly born tag has no ID, no SRC and no home in the document yet. So let's give it some definition:
Append it within the document "tree".
Now all we need to do is append it to the document body. And to do that, we use the DOM node method appendChild():
docBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0)
Take a look at islandwide temperatures of Taiwan.
What happens if you just want Taoyuan's temperature?
If you want to include Taoyuan's temperature in your Theme
Park homepage, is there any solution?
XML examples: