星期二, 2月 26, 2013

Homework 2-25-2013 ( Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me)

對很多同學來說,做簡報的確很辛苦,一方面害羞,一方面沒把握自己講得別人想聽嗎? 所以多還有進步的空間。

  • ㄧ定要事先排演: 請你的老師,同學,朋友當你的聽眾,這樣子真正上場時才會順暢,排演時收到的回饋也可以當成改進簡報的意見,所以排演是絕對要的。
  • 請老師指導你的內容: 有些老師簡報作得很好,簡報常見的問題相信老師們一眼就可以看出,所以記得上場前請老師給予意見。
  • 從容答題: 其實評審問你問題不用慌,我都是把它看成作球給你,讓你針對提問得到更多說明的時間, 你正好利用這個機會將優點和盤托出。所以別人問問題不用怕。
總之,你們還是學生,以後還有機會,畢業後職場當中上台簡報的場合更多。從現在起,把這些經驗ㄧ點一滴學起來,以後要上場簡報就是你的show time了。

TED有個演說,標題是 Melissa Marshall: Talk nerdy to me - YouTube 提供了深入淺出的看法。(有中文字幕) 分享心得

繳交期限 3/4 18:30 am 繳交作業方式

星期一, 2月 25, 2013

Potential benefits and Challenges of a MOOC

Potential benefits

The MoocGuide lists 12 benefits of a MOOC:
  1. You can organize a MOOC in any setting that has connectivity (which can include the Web, but also local connections via Wi-Fi e.g.)
  2. You can organize it in any language you like (taking into account the main language of your target audience)
  3. You can use any online tools that are relevant to your target region or that are already being used by the participants
  4. You can move beyond time zones and physical boundaries
  5. It can be organized as quickly as you can inform the participants (which makes it a powerful format for priority learning in e.g. aid relief)
  6. Contextualized content can be shared by all
  7. Learning happens in a more informal setting
  8. Learning can also happen incidentally thanks to the unknown knowledge that pops up as the course participants start to exchange notes on the course’s study
  9. You can connect across disciplines and corporate/institutional walls
  10. You don’t need a degree to follow the course, only the willingness to learn (at high speed)
  11. You add to your own personal learning environment and/or network by participating in a MOOC
  12. You will improve your lifelong learning skills, for participating in a MOOC forces you to think about your own learning and knowledge absorption

Challenges and criticisms

The MoocGuide  lists 5 key challenges for moocs:
  1. It feels chaotic as participants create their own content
  2. It demands digital literacy
  3. It demands time and effort from the participants
  4. It is organic, which means the course will take on its own trajectory (you have got to let go).
  5. As a participant you need to be able to self-regulate your learning and possibly give yourself a learning goal to achieve.

source Wikipedia

課堂討論 massive open online course /MOOC

大規模開放在線課堂( 英語:massive open online course /MOOC是否會成為未來學習的主流?

星期一, 2月 18, 2013

Homework 2-18-2013

閱讀 Web development at UDACITY 第一單元(Unit One)

Hints: 可開啓英文字幕或中文字幕(目前僅有簡體)

繳交作業最後期限 2/25 06:50 pm

Lab 3: Put CYCU Map on Your Blog

1. The latitude and longitude coordinates of CYCU campus location is +24° 57' 31.02", +121° 14' 28.12" and you can take a look at the satellite image

2. Enter the CYCU coordinates to produce a code snippet that you can put into your blog. The code is under Share/Export tab.

3. Copy and paste the code snippet into your blog just like you are writing your own blog post. Publish it.


1. 中原大學校內地圖指引

眾裡尋她千百度 桃園最美的地方在哪裡

Lab 2: 讓你的部落格產生最新回應

在我的部落格可以看到回饋清單的功能,它可以列出最新針對你部落格的回應,因為有些回應可能是針對你一個月前或更舊的部落格文章,而你可能不會再回去看這 些較舊文章是否在最近收到回應,有了清單,此問題迎刃而解。即使針對你最近發表的文章,這個清單功能也很有用,讓你快速瀏覽與閱讀這些回應。

回饋清單功能本身是RSS 2.0 XML,所以也可以用Firefox RSS 或 Google Reader 抓取閱讀,非常方便。

1. 進入版面配置,開啟回應
2. 新增小工具, HTML/JavaScript
3. 資訊源設定如
4. 請你的同學給你一個 comment,是否能正確顯示在最新回應上。
5. 實例

Lab 1: 書寫部落格


1. 至 http://www.blogger.com/ 申請一個部落格。

建議以你的學號 (s開頭) 作為部落格網址,部落格名稱可以自行命名。

2. 測試一下,可以寫 "Hello World",或是一篇短文。

3. 建立一個連結到課程網站 http://iapblog.blogspot.com/

4. 日後請將你的隨堂練習與作業寫在你的 blog, 然後到
Homework 或 Lab 的Comment 登錄作業blog網址就可以了.(實例)。

5. 尊重智慧財產權,引用他人文章須註明出處。


a. blog需正確設定時區顯示時間 。
b. 請測試他人可否留言(comment)。以方便留下回應意見。
c. 文章標題請跟實作之LAB標題相同。


How to insert a link at the following comment, please use the following HTML code.