與目前市面上的手機作業系統最大不同的地方在於,近來推出的火狐 B2G 的 Apps 全都以 HTML5、Javascript、CSS 等網頁開放技術撰寫。以後一個網址取代一支 app,手機上就不會是滿滿的 app,造成資安疑慮與效能低落的問題。
星期六, 3月 31, 2012
星期一, 3月 26, 2012
星期日, 3月 25, 2012
Lab 18 Clean Language
1. Save the JavaScript file of Clean Language to your desktop. Make changes to the script with self-defined bad words. To do this, save the JavaScript on your desk top. Use Notepad editor to make changes. Install the modified script as Greasemonkey.
2. Use Google to search webpages that contains some bad words.
3. Try whether the filtering take effects.
2. Use Google to search webpages that contains some bad words.
3. Try whether the filtering take effects.
Lab 17 Greasemonkey
- Please read the information about Greasemonkey and cookiebefore you start the lab.
- Install Greasemonkey 0.9.1. Check the lower right corner of your Firefox and you should find a monkey at the right.
- Cookie Monster - Show cookie contents: Shows the contents of the current page cookie. Just mouse over the "Cookie" text on the bottom left. Check what cookies http://www.nytimes.com writes to you. Does our class blog use cookie or not? Does Google use cookie?
- You can turn off Greasemonkey by clicking on the monkey face at the URL bar of Firefox. Click again to activate Greasemonkey.
Lab 16 Using Google PageRank
在Firefox上安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)
紐約時報 http://www.nytimes.com
CNN http://www.cnn.com/
台灣雅虎 http://tw.yahoo.com
蕃薯藤 http://www.yam.com
PCHome 購物 http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/
PageRank-Google 決定搜尋排名的關鍵技術
PageRank 的論文
紐約時報 http://www.nytimes.com
CNN http://www.cnn.com/
台灣雅虎 http://tw.yahoo.com
蕃薯藤 http://www.yam.com
PCHome 購物 http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/
PageRank-Google 決定搜尋排名的關鍵技術
PageRank 的論文
星期三, 3月 21, 2012
Homework 03-19-2012
1. 撰寫以下短文的摘要Carnegie Mellon Performs First Large-Scale Analysis of "Soft" Censorship of Social Media in China
2. 撰寫以下短文的摘要
Internet Censorship Revealed Through the Haze of Malware Pollution
繳交作業時間 3/26 18:50 pm
Internet Censorship Revealed Through the Haze of Malware Pollution
繳交作業時間 3/26 18:50 pm
星期一, 3月 19, 2012
A NEW application (app) developed by students from Edith Cowan University turns ordinary smartphones
“Their signs are immediately translated into text which can be read by the person they are conversing with.
“Their signs are immediately translated into text which can be read by the person they are conversing with.
星期日, 3月 18, 2012
Lab 13 Google Docs
1. Go to Google Docs. Google Docs lets you write Word documents through an online web service.
2. Start writing.
3. Publish the Word document.
4. What's the URL of your document.
5. Add the Google Docs to your personal portal. At the portal page, you should be able to see the active documents.
6. Save your document as .doc and .pdf, the two common formats for documents.
Hint: This is a sample Word document.
News coverage:
Google “Docs & Spreadsheets” Launches ,Oct 2006
2. Start writing.
3. Publish the Word document.
4. What's the URL of your document.
5. Add the Google Docs to your personal portal. At the portal page, you should be able to see the active documents.
6. Save your document as .doc and .pdf, the two common formats for documents.
Hint: This is a sample Word document.
News coverage:
Google “Docs & Spreadsheets” Launches ,Oct 2006
星期一, 3月 12, 2012
Homework 03-12-2012
1. Google Chrome 如何阻擋惡意網站安裝木馬程式或偷窺個人隱私?
Google Chrome - Browser Security
2. 在Lab 12中,你得到多少篇回應? 這些回應對你有幫助嗎?
Google Chrome - Browser Security
2. 在Lab 12中,你得到多少篇回應? 這些回應對你有幫助嗎?
3. 撰寫以下短文的摘要Carnegie Mellon Performs First Large-Scale Analysis of "Soft" Censorship of Social Media in China
4. 撰寫以下短文的摘要
Internet Censorship Revealed Through the Haze of Malware Pollution
繳交作業時間 3/19 18:50 pm
Internet Censorship Revealed Through the Haze of Malware Pollution
繳交作業時間 3/19 18:50 pm
星期五, 3月 09, 2012
Lab 11 Comparing browsers
Install Google Browser Google Chrome and Firefox, try a few websites and compare their performance. For example, youtube, blogspot, msn, and yahoo.
Compare the following features:
Compare the following features:
- Operating system support
- Bookmark management
- Download management
- Password management
- Form Management
- Spell checking
- Search Engine toolbar
- Privacy mode
- Auto update
星期二, 3月 06, 2012
星期一, 3月 05, 2012
Lab 7 架站大挑戰
星期日, 3月 04, 2012
Lab 8 Personal Portal
1. Enter
The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.
2. Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.
3. Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Group, Google Calendar, and GMail. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.
The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.
2. Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.
3. Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Group, Google Calendar, and GMail. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.
大學排名的迷思 推薦一篇文章
清大彭明輝的部落格: 教育問題診斷書(1): 台灣的教育有什麼病?「集體性強迫性高功能自閉症症候群」!這個術語有點長,慢慢解釋。先說明第一個關鍵詞「高功能自閉症症候群」。 「 高功能自閉症症候群 」跟「 高功能自閉症 」很像,智商可能很高,學習成就可能很高,但是有以下三大特徵:(1)人際社會性互動有障礙,如不太理人、無法...
星期六, 3月 03, 2012
Homework 03-03-2012
1. Google 的獲利模式是什麼?
2. Google Android 的獲利模式是什麼?
3. 蘋果的獲利模式是什麼?
4. 微軟的獲利模式是什麼?
5. 為什麼 Lab 4 的各校檔案數,能見度,檔案數,論文數,加權總和用來計算排名是錯的?
2. Google Android 的獲利模式是什麼?
3. 蘋果的獲利模式是什麼?
4. 微軟的獲利模式是什麼?
5. 為什麼 Lab 4 的各校檔案數,能見度,檔案數,論文數,加權總和用來計算排名是錯的?
Due 3-10-2012 6:30pm
星期五, 3月 02, 2012
張耀仁: 企業的思維可以加快節能減碳腳步
張耀仁: 企業的思維可以加快節能減碳腳步: (圖片來源 Wikipedia, cc版權規定) 上星期丹麥格蘭富公司總經理來學校,才知道光是幫浦就用掉全世界15%的能源,由於格蘭富生產的幫浦佔有率第一,他們公司發現只要能將他們生產的幫浦省電20%,全世界就可以減少1%能源消耗。難怪他們訂了每年減少5%碳足跡的目標,做不...
張耀仁: 蘋果笑了,台灣也就綠了
張耀仁: 蘋果笑了,台灣也就綠了: 自從iPhone出現以後,台灣的資通訊(ICT)產業發生根本性的改變。也就是只要蘋果笑了,台灣就綠了。反而台灣人印象不怎麼好的微軟,只要微軟笑了,台灣也就笑了。蘋果的供應鏈在中國,韓國,日本,日本提供關鍵技術,韓國提供關鍵零件(三星的CPU,記憶體,LG的螢幕),中國的鴻海負責組...
目前Android平板只有Galaxy Tab 有點搞頭,國內廠商平板慘到不行,不過最近Amazon Kindle 以電子書另類包裝高知名度,低售價,虧本賣求佔有率,以後再賣你有價內容,真是蠻有看頭的。基本上平板電腦市場還是屬於蘋果個人秀。
Win 8可以用在筆電,用在平板,剛出來我們可以拭目以待。二月初台灣微軟副總在資訊高峰會親自操作展示,Win8雖然頗有創意,也看得出微軟的用心,但是這種介面似乎是要兼顧觸控與滑鼠操作,但我看來好像兩面不討好。以使用者經驗,觸控與滑鼠是全然不同的,只要比較iPad2與 PC就可以親身感受。我還是覺得,蘋果每個裝置只專注一種人機界面,iPad/iPhone 觸控,Mac Air 滑板,Mac Computer 滑鼠,比較能夠讓每個介面特性火力全開。
Win 8可以用在筆電,用在平板,剛出來我們可以拭目以待。二月初台灣微軟副總在資訊高峰會親自操作展示,Win8雖然頗有創意,也看得出微軟的用心,但是這種介面似乎是要兼顧觸控與滑鼠操作,但我看來好像兩面不討好。以使用者經驗,觸控與滑鼠是全然不同的,只要比較iPad2與 PC就可以親身感受。我還是覺得,蘋果每個裝置只專注一種人機界面,iPad/iPhone 觸控,Mac Air 滑板,Mac Computer 滑鼠,比較能夠讓每個介面特性火力全開。
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