星期五, 10月 14, 2005

Get the most from Google-1

1. Use the keyword "禽流感" or "bird flu" "avian flu" to locate 3
authority bird flu websites. Write down the URLs of the 3 sites and why on your blog.

2.List 3 methods of bird flu control, including the URLs you cite.

3. Avian dispersal may be a viable method of making H5N1 virus carried by migratory birds hard to infect poultry farms. List and write down 3 methods of avian dispersal.

nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment"

10 則留言:

小印 提到...

9326149 電子二甲 朱衍印

zombiecat 提到...

電子二乙 蕭偉豪 9326243

MIMI 提到...

9228213 電機三乙 喻俊嘉

GG 提到...

9326323 林敬凱 電子二丙


匿名 提到...

電子二丙 9326301 許哲綸

匿名 提到...

電二丙 9326304 簡嘉韋


Aclose 提到...

9326311 電子二丙 余幸娟
About Bird Flu

高橋 提到...

9326344 電子二丙 邱鐘毅
Blue Flu

winni 提到...
winni 提到...

電子二乙 9326230 張惠雯