星期五, 12月 16, 2005


1. Download PGP Desktop 9.0
2. Install PGP using

In the process of installation assistant, generate your key pairs and allow your public key to go public at keyserver.pgp.com so that your friends can use it.

3 Check your email. Record your public key and the finger print at the Comment below this blog posting. What's the key length PGP generates?

4. Use your Friend A's public key to encrypt a file, using PGP zip. Email this encrypted file to your Friend A and Friend B. Verify that A can decrypt the file while B cannot.

You are invited to do Part II of Lab PGP.

FAQ: What's PGP?

8 則留言:

GG 提到...

電子二丙 林敬凱 9326323

zombiecat 提到...

蕭偉豪 電子二乙 9326243

MIMI 提到...

9228213 電機三乙 喻俊嘉

打字機 提到...


小印 提到...

9326149 電子二甲 朱衍印

winni 提到...

電子二乙 9326230 張惠雯
lab PGP

Aclose 提到...
Aclose 提到...

9326311 電子二丙 余幸娟
lab PGP