星期六, 10月 04, 2008

Lab: Personal Portal

1. Enter

The Google account is the same as your Blogger account.

2. Rearrange the templates. And perhaps remove blocks that you don't need.

3. Add new stuff. For now add the Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Group, Google Calendar, and GMail. You should be able to see the subscriptions in the Google Reader block of your personal portal.

31 則留言:

小強 提到...


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電子三乙 9526215 吳國志

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9526167 電子三甲 葉晟

mickey 提到...

資訊三乙 9422126 賴宜宏

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國貿四甲 9442137 廖紹閔

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電子三乙 9526245 王挺宇

- Frog - ⊙小青蛙⊙ - 提到...

資工三乙 9527211 吳東杰

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電子三乙 9526247 張嘉禎

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電子三乙 9526234 曾敬堯

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電子二甲 9626146 歐士豪

太陽 提到...

電子四甲 9426118 李家緯

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劉瑋杰 9626159 電子二甲

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電子二乙 9529133 林橚

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電子二乙 9626225 吳姿函

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電子二丙 9626342 江美慧

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電子二丙 9626334 倪翊嘉

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電子二乙 9626251 吳志宏

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電子四丙 張恩祥 9426310

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企管四乙 9441215 謝宜涓

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電子二乙 9626229 邱冠林

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電子二丙 9626327 許庭嘉

s9426339 提到...

電子四丙 9426339 范銘倫

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電子二甲 9522154 周怡君

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電子三乙 黃志琦 9526252

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