星期二, 6月 09, 2009

Lab Movie Player

1. Go to Laszlo and enter (Laszlo in 10 minutes).
2. Study and play around the "scripting" and "video" examples.
3. Use this script to control movie playing.
4. If you push the "pause" button, the movie pauses.
5. If you push the "resume" button, the movie resumes.

18 則留言:

DarrenHuang 提到...

電子三丙 9526315 黃俊達

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電子三丙 9526322 楊秉霖

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9522342 電子三丙 劉璦菁

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資工四乙 9427203 葉家豪

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洪鑄成 電子3乙 9526237

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電子三乙 9526238 王詩集

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電子三丙 9526342 李忠展

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電子三丙 9526357 施柏羽

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9426341 電子四丙 曾立偉